Bri Wehan

Cool girl/surfer

 San Diego
Thrifting, Surfing, Hot Yoga, Cooking, Camping, Hiking, Travel.



Get to Know Bri

My name is Brianna wehan, but people mainly know me as Bri We (bree wee). I grew up in Orange County as a typical SoCal girl. Most days were spent in the ocean either sailing with my family or surfing with my friends. I love activities such as skiing, hiking, running, and yoga. I recently moved to San Diego, where I do full-time content creation. Im incredibly excited to meet new people and try new things. There is absolutely nothing I won't try once. Im very adventurous and will say yes to any last-minute trip. As much as I am "mellow" and "go with the flow" I also love glam and getting dressed up. I have always loved fashion and bling. A good lip combo or jewelry stack gets me as pumped up as a good surf report.

Services Offered

Try on Hauls

Beach Content

Beauty Content

Outfit Inspo

Services Offered

Try on Hauls

Beach Content

Beauty Content

Outfit Inspo

I am obsessed with this brand of jewelry! I am always looking to freshen up my looks with unique pieces. "new Jewelry" or "jewelry hauls" are easy and fun for me to make. My followers also LOVE these.


Featured Work & Brand  collabs

If you are interested in working with this creative you can contact us here.
