Deaven Booker

Male luxury fashion creator

 Los Angeles
Tennis, rock climbing, start gazing, hair styling (barber)



Get to Know Deaven

Originally from Northern California, Deaven is now LA based. Globally minded and always on the go Deaven is booking fashion campaigns, exploring the world and looking effortlessly styled on the way.

Services Offered

Video Content

Still Imagery

Beauty Content

Lifestyle Content

Services Offered

Video Content

Still Imagery

Beauty Content

Lifestyle Content

My favorite job so far was working with a dream client, Dior on set in the middle of the desert with a beautiful sunset and amazing cast and crew for Sauvage. I loved how everyone was able to get along and work efficiently to create an amazing commercial. 


Featured Work & Brand  collabs

If you are interested in working with this creative you can contact us here.
